Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

So, here's the back story!

I am from the UK and grew up with my foreskin intact and never had any problems as a boy or a teenager. Circumcision is fairly uncommon where I lived. I was circ'd age 22 and because i've had sex and masturbated both with and without a foreskin I reckon I know a lot more than lots of people on here who claim to be experts but who have only tried one of the other! My circ is high and medium tight. It was tighter when I first had it done (four years ago) but it's loosened since then. I chose to be cut because that's what I'd always wanted. It was a scary process but actually didn't hurt much at all. There were a couple of times when I thought I was going to change my mind (having my pubes shaved off was one of them - they hadn't told me that would happen) but I went through with it, and I'm still very glad that I did.

The process didn't hurt much, like I said. The local pain relief injections hurt a bit (about what you'd expect for having injections in your penis) and I could feel my foreskin being cut off although it was pressure rather than pain. Before I was circd I had a very long foreskin, so the total area of skin that was removed was big. The process took about 45 mins.

I was studying at the time it happened, and so i scheduled the procedure for the Easter break. At the time I was training to be a phys ed instructor which meant i was in the locker room and showers with other guys at some point nearly every day. One thing I was worried about was how quickly it was heal and what my mates (all uncut) would say. Would I get laughed at? Healing was pretty quick, and although I was told no sex and no masturbating for six weeks I actually brought myself off (very carefully) after a few days. That just left the problem about what my mates would think. I went back to school on the first day *seriously* worried about that. We were doing basketball that day, and in my panic about 'coming out' as cut, i'd forgotten my trainers. To cut a long story short, I spent the day in bare feet, which the guys took the piss out of me for. When it came to the locker room moment there were a few comments but it was okay! I ended up with a nickname but it was 'twinkle toes' rather than anything to do with my penis, fortunately. It's funny how things turn out
So, how's it been being circ'd? In terms of hygeine and convenience, absolutely great. The feeling of being cut quite tightly took a bit of getting used to. I could enjoy sex just as much and masturbation - when i'd work it out again - was great too. My glans has now got a bit dry and rough, which I guess could be keratinization. Whereas the head of my penis used to be a little bit stickly to the touch and hypersensitive (I could sometimes hardly bear to touch it at first) it's now completely dry, and much less sensitive. Sex tends to last a bit longer as a result.
I really like the look of my penis now, but I'm worried that it's getting looser, so would definitely consider getting it tightened up.

I'd appreciate any thoughts from people about whether with what I've got at the moment a re-circumcision is possible or desirable.  (carlandrews1988@gmail.com)

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