Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

My first memory of circumcision was from my dad explaining it to me one day after church… He explained it to me when I was 7 year old and I found that extremely odd that that was a requirement of the God of Abraham from the bible.

Growing up at the gym, I notices some willies were different than mine. They looked more potent and I remembered what my dad told me these guys had to go through, which I found strangely arousing. While growing up in South Africa, one evening late on a hot summer night I had an ‘underwater masturbation’ session and my frenulum tore. After healing, my foreskin would not pull forward over the head anymore, but was very loose and sometimes expose the head, and then have hair caught again under it, which made it uncomfortable.

I had sex with a girl, and it just felt like I was havening sex in my foreskin. I asked her to pull back on my scrotum, so my foreskin would not ride back. The new sensation was amazing. For both of us. I just knew I had to have the operation after that experience.
I procrastinated about 12 years since my experience with my girlfriend. I moved to London and decided this year is the year that my foreskin will go. Not knowing where to go I made an appointment.Having seen the clinic from the outside, I decided not to proceed.
A few months later, I had enough courage and went to a Harley Street clinic. I wanted to talk to the consultant that would do the operation, but it was considered such a minor procedure, they wanted a deposit for the hospital reservation before proceeding. Again I declined.

Quite devastating at the time trying to find a surgeon, I landed a job in Houston, Texas.
That was only 90 minutes away from Atlanta where Dr Cornell was. I knew this was my opportunity. I called, made an appointment, paid the deposit, bought my plane ticket for 17 December, my 34thbirthday. I booked myself on a plane Friday night at 11PM after work and back Sunday afternoon. My appointment was 10AM  Saturday. 

I have never been as nervous before in my life! I already chickened out twice before, and there was a point while waiting for my delayed plane in Houston that I walked out of the airport towards the shuttle bus to my car. It was midnight. Thankfully I turned around and got on the plane. I was in bed at 3AM in my hotel in Atlanta. I started making my way to the offices of Dr Cornell at 8AM on Saturday morning. It was my own rite of passage. Nobody in the world knew I was doing this. My heart was pounding in my throat. I made it to the inconspicuous offices and found the name of Dr Cornell in the lobby.

I have arrived. This is the moment of truth! I saw a woman waiting in the waiting room for her husband, who appeared from surgery. He seemed fine as he greeted his wife. It gave me some courage. Bravely I presented myself to Sylvia, behind reception. I filled out the forms and she noted it was my birthday.

Dr Cornell appeared and invited me to his consultation room. He asked me what the circumcision should look like. High/Tight/Low. He saw the remnant of my frenulum where it tore and asked if I wanted it removed. It did give me some pleasure, so I said its fine. It does not bother me.

I was still thinking of procrastinating as I did before, but there and then I was given the first two injections in preparation for surgery and immediately I could feel loosing sensitivity in my penis. The procedure started.

I was directed to the operating room and changed into the gown at the request of the operating assistant. I assumed the supine position on the table and the necessary prep was done. Dr Cornell was ready to begin.

I had some scar tissue at the bottom of my foreskin where my frenulum tore. As the operation started I could feel the scalpel at certain points slicing through the skin; I was told mainly at the scar tissue area. Dr Cornell immediately stopped and added more anaesthesia. I was told it bled a lot, but all went well.

There I was on the table with my foreskin removed and an open shaft. Dr Cornell pinched the two edges together with the forceps and asked if it looked OK; if I wanted it tighter. I was satisfied and he started doing the most important bit of the operation, the suturing. We discussed the gut he was using which gave an excellent cosmetic result. I was bandaged up and got off the table. On my way out I received a birthday card from Sylvia, signed by Dr Cornell, which I thought was a nice touch.

Because it was Saturday, the pharmacy in the building was closed, and I made my way to the metro. Waiting for the train, the anaesthetic started wearing off and it felt like my penis was on fire! Arriving at the hotel, I immediately got into the courtesy car and had the prescription filled at the pharmacy. That evening I was celebrating my 34thbirthday alone. I had a nice steak with a glass of red wine, and I remember sitting there having dinner thinking… I don’t have any pain!

I flew back to Houston on Sunday. I received popper like things to sniff for when I got an erections in the morning. I went to work on Monday as usual and nobody apart from the gay lab assistant noticed a thing. We became friends and lovers and he later commented seeing me, from behind, very carefully and slowly whipping out my penis at the crib. He subsequently became my first boyfriend and he was the first person to see my circumcised penis.

After about 2 weeks I was completely healed and the stitches came out. I could still notice some swelling coming and going for about another 6 weeks, but then the scar settled down.

I think I experienced ‘Phantom foreskin’. (i.e. if I did not look at it, it still kind of felt like I had a foreskin, even though it was gone… I would be interested to know if other guys had a similar experience). I would look and admire my new cock at every opportunity. I was so glad I pushed though and had it done.

Today, 9 years later, I have not a moments regret. It takes longer to achieve orgasm, I’m not sure if it’s due to growing older or different sensations. The so called ‘loss of sensitivity’ is by no means a drawback. In fact, I can do more things with my penis now than what I could before when it was too sensitive. It takes longer to achieve orgasm, but that is good! Orgasms are more intense and they last longer. I shoot further than ever before.

I am completely satisfied with my new penis and the $1200 I spent with Dr Cornell was the best value for money ever spent by me.


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