Senin, 17 Maret 2014


Been reading the  Blog and have found it very useful especially as I feel i may need a circumcision. I am 52 year old who has had a slight phimosis for a few years but I am finding that over the last year the skin has got a little tighter leading to cracks and soreness on my foreskin. I can retract it but it is getting to  slightly sore to do it and feel it can only get worse. 

I have thought about circumcision but have been worried about having it done. I would say i am probably about smaller to average size and have always worried about loss of sensation to the penis and as you get older I find it can take longer to climax.  To  be honest my main concern is the embarrassment of having it done as my dick seems to shrink to nothing when laid on a hospital bed! I have had a vasectomy with Local anaesthetic which was Ok.

I plucked up courage to see the doctor which ended up being a young female doctor who was very understanding and has referred me to a Urologist in the North west England. I am awaiting contact to arrange my first appointment. I enclose a couple of photos, It is particularly cracked at the moment as i had sex a couple of days before which always makes it sore after.

I would be interested in comments and if there is anything I should ask the urologist  and i would welcome comments regarding what type of  circumcision to have, i.e. tight loose etc

Best wishes 


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