Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

This is Dean's adult circumcision experience in the United Kingdom. He is only three weeks post-circ and has found this blog so useful that he has wanted to contribute! Hopefully he sends some follow ups throughout his recovery. Thanks for the story and pictures mate!

Dean's Story

I suffered from phimosis but it wasn't until I was in my 20s that I realised tight foreskin was a condition - I assumed it was just something that was part of my body. After getting irritated, itchy foreskin a few times, I visited my GP. He diagnosed phimosis and recommended circumcision. At first, I panicked! I had never considered it, the thought of it sounded SO painful and what about the locker room - none of my friends are circumcised, would I become the joke of the group?!

But after thinking about it, I decided to go ahead with it. It would benefit me down the line. Sex had been ok with a condom. I tried it a few times without one but it was uncomfortable. Masturbation had always been fine; I had years of practice, working out what suited me the best.

After a year long wait (I went public, the health system in the country I am from is terrible) I got the date for my operation. On the day I was ridiculously nervous. I stripped my clothes off and put on the flimsy gown before climbing back into my bed. After a while, I was wheeled down to theatre. I was given a general anaesthetic so my next memory is waking up and a nurse was calling my name. "Is it over?" I asked. She smiled and said it was over. I was kept in hospital for the next 3 hours, which mainly involved sleeping. I was exhausted after the anaesthetic!
The surgeon had given me a local anaesthetic in the general area of the penis so I felt no pain for the rest of the day, which was great. When I stood up for the first time, blood began pouring out of my bandaged penis to the floor (that scared me a bit!) but the nurse checked me and it was all ok.

I eventually got dressed and went down for that compulsory piss they are so adamant you take. It was a bit of a disaster, the piss flew out in all directions! But otherwise I felt fine.
The first week or so was pretty bad. The nocturnal erections were agony. The head rubbing off of my clothes was sore and uncomfortable; I walked like I had shit myself for a week! But I improved as the days went by.

Now, I'm three weeks cut. The sensitivity is gone and I can walk around fine. My stitches literally just came out the other day. They were dissolvable and i tried pulling them and realised they fell away pretty easily as they had dissolved under the skin. No stitch tunnel scarring, thankfully!
All in all, I am happy with how it has turned out. It looks ok, I think, and it feels fine. I have yet to fully masturbate following the operation. I have tried it twice and am at a bit of a loss - I think I need to find out what the basic technique for a cut penis is! And I have no sexual partner at the minute but in a few weeks when I'm completely better I'll make it my number one ambition to have sex and try it out! 

Though I initially did not want it and in the build up to the operation was terrified, I am glad I had it done. I just can't wait to try things out!

Flaccid 1

Flaccid 2 - pretty blurry, sorry

Hard 1

Hard side view

Hard side view 2

Frenelum area with dried blood

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